This course is designed for architects who are ready to overhaul and transform their business development and marketing systems and processes, so they can fulfil the dreams and aspirations that led them into architecture in the first place.

It's for architects who can see their peers thriving, but don't yet know how to replicate that success. Architects who:

a) own and run their own small practice; 

b) are directors or principals in a medium or large firm; 

c) are actively involved in bringing in new clients and projects; 

d) are considering leaving their current job to start their own firm; and/or 

e) are responsible for delivering practice marketing...

... and who are ready to make invest in transforming their own practice, and be part of the ripple effect sweeping across the entire profession.

No other CPD course has been quite like Rachael’s Architecture Marketing 360 course. 

Beyond an in-depth insight into the technicalities of architectural marketing, this course asks participants to identify and rethink the principles of their current marketing position and strategies, and experiment with new channels. Rachael’s course is results-focussed, with outcomes directly applied to one’s own practice.

Angela Rheinlaender

Who is Rachael Bernstone
and why did she develop this course?

Rachael Bernstone is a communications advisor to architects; an advocate for good design, and a journalist and editor, and she has specialised in writing about architecture and sustainable design for 22+ years. 

She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism, 1993) from RMIT, and a Masters in Architecture History and Theory (University of NSW, 2002), and was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study sustainable and affordable housing in 2003, travelling to the UK, Finland, Sweden and USA. 

Click here to see the CPD Learning Outcomes for this coure, and here to see Rachael’s credentials to teach it.

How will your practice improve after taking this course?
Once you've done the course and implemented the Six Channel System, you’ll start to see positive results around the quality and type of projects you bring in, and the quantity of enquiries, leads and new clients you generate.

And you'll build confidence and momentum to keep going, towards a waitlist of your preferred clients who value and appreciate your services.
This proven marketing system enables architects to:

sidestep the doubts and fears that prevent you from taking decisive action around business development and marketing;

shake off the profession’s belief that “the work should speak for itself” so you can confidently communicate your value;

build trust with future clients who are ready and willing to invest in your knowledge and experience;

rethink the idea that your marketing needs to be perfect; instead you can experiment, learn from your data and refine your efforts in future;

position yourself as a trusted expert in your preferred sectors, and capture the attention of the people who matter most - your future clients, policy makers and regulators.

“Architects - I commend Rachael's course to you if for NO other reason than to learn the mechanisms and vocabulary of marketing that you need. From then on, all your other learning and dot-connecting will come so much easier.”

Sarah Hobday-North
Architect GP
In order to get this knowledge into the hands of more architects - to amplify the impact of architecture and good design - Architecture Marketing 360 is offered as an online, on demand, self-guided program.

So you can learn and implement the Six Channel System according to your availability and preferred learning style.

The course is currently being updated and will be relaunched in mid-July 2024. 

Now that you're ready to sign up...

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($1890.00)$1890.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x $640.00)3x $640.00

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  • 1xArchitecture Marketing 360: self-guided program$0

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