If you’re an architect who loves design – but you struggle with the business-side of practice – this CPD course can help you to win more of the clients and projects you love, and unlock your creativity, prosperity, influence and wellbeing.

Thanks for your interest in our CPD course for architects, which is currently undergoing renovations, and will relaunch in mid-2024
You design, document and deliver buildings.
How hard can it be to market your architecture practice?

Architecture Marketing 360 contains everything you need to learn – and were never taught in your formal architecture studies – to build a pipeline of ideal clients and projects.

Learn the system in just three weeks, and start winning more of your ideal work this year.

How do you define a more satisfying and
successful career in architecture?
  • More choice and freedom: instead of waiting for the phone to ring, you have the ability to say “No, thanks” to clients and projects you’d rather not work on and “Heck yes!” to the ones you love (getting discerning about the projects you choose to work on allows your creativity and satisfaction to soar!) 
  • More money: start by charging higher fees so you can pay higher salaries, to you and your team members (then you can attract and retain great staff, build a positive culture, and do more good in the world) 
  • More impact: including recognition for your work, the ability to help more people, and to grow architecture’s market share pie (when you’re work is driven by values and purpose, there are literally no limits to what you can achieve) 
  • Better wellbeing: for yourself, your family, your team and the broader profession, with an emphasis on joy, delight, balance and ease (you deliver all of these qualities to your clients – so why should you and your team sacrifice your own health, relationships and wealth in the process?) 
  • Something else? Or all of the above? 
What’s stopping you from achieving that vision?
I know that architecture can feel like a hard profession in which to make a decent living, and it’s getting more difficult every year.

On every project, you’re navigating: 

  • your clients’ ambitious brief and often incompatible budget
  • layers of regulations and codes, from the NCC to multiple sometimes competing planning schemes, and access and heritage requirements, 
  • the needs of building occupants, users and visitors, and the buildings' interface with the urban realm, both now and long into the future, 
  • designing for inclusion, equity and belonging, from responding to place and Country, and making welcoming spaces for people with diverse lived experiences, 
  • the surrounding character and context – from the community to the neighbourhood to the city – and your remit to deliver social value, 
  • an increasingly complex and expanding set of environmental concerns, from energy efficiency to retrofitting to measuring embodied carbon, and more, 
  • relentless layers of bureaucracy, such as local approval authorities, new ESG, modern slavery, and sustainability reporting requirements, 
  • materials, products, specification and supply chain issues, ranging from availability to rising costs to modern slavery, 
  • the threat of AI and the fact that your entire livelihood could be wiped out by machines in a few short years, 
  • and so many other factors
And to make matters worse?
Most of your clients don’t recognise or understand the level of complexity you’re managing on their behalf, so they don’t appreciate why your fees are so high, or why everything takes so long.

You often hear a version of: “Couldn’t a draftsperson do it faster, cheaper and better?”

That's because few people outside architecture are across all of the risks and responsibilities you carry – so clients and policy makers don’t sufficiently value your expertise, or the many benefits your service provides – as you skilfully steer them through this complex quagmire.

It also doesn't help that architects are seen to provide an indulgent, expensive, high-end luxury offering, when – actually – you deliver an essential service.
In the era of climate emergency and housing crisis,
access to good design is an equity issue.
As a society, we are facing unprecedented challenges, and we are all being forced to adapt, upskill and evolve at a phenomenal rate.

It’s enough to make your head spin.

You already have enough on your plate, trying to keep up with all of the new professional demands on your time, energy and resources. 

Not to mention the roles and responsibilities you're trying to juggle and balance outside of your job.

So the thought of having to learn one more thing – such as how to clearly describe your services to win more of the right types of clients and projects – can seem like a bridge too far.
You’re already overwhelmed, overworked and underpaid,
and your wellbeing is suffering.
I can’t promise to make the architect-ing part of your job easier. 

I have no power to change codes or regulatory systems or financial structures or climate emergency or the housing crisis... 

... but I can help you to transform your practice by streamlining how you attract and win more of your ideal projects and clients.
Together, we can design and deliver your ideal practice
– fulfilling your long-held aspirations –
and achieving the positive impact you dream about.

When you can clearly describe the breadth of your offering and the value you deliver – and articulate who stands to benefit from using your services – we can collectively shift public perceptions that architects only design “houses for rich people”. 

Together, we can change the narrative about what architecture is, and who deserves to enjoy the benefits of good design, and boost demand for your services, and increase your fees and salaries in the process. 

How can making one single shift deliver such an epic transformation? 

When you choose to deliberately change the way you describe your architecture services to appeal to more of the right types of clients, you can improve your career, your practice, the profession and the world.
Why are you only hearing about this one single shift, now?
This shift starts with business development and marketing, which many in the profession view as dirty words! 

There is a strong belief that “the work should speak for itself”, and these skills aren’t taught at university, in registration or in CPD (because business development and marketing aren’t part of the National Standards of Competency for Architects or other formal training frameworks globally). 

Unfortunately, this equates to a major blindspot in your formal education.  

And while it's not your fault that you haven't learned these skills yet, the decision to become conversant in business development and marketing now lies with you.

Luckily, it's not too late to plug the gaps in your knowledge, and adopt a new approach to fresh challenges and changing circumstances.

In fact it's never too late to learn something new, and to course-correct in response to new threats and opportunities.  

(Responding to unexpected issues as they crop up during the design and delivery of your projects is something you navigate nearly every day; it's practically your superpower, if only your clients could recognise and value it!)

That’s why I created a business development and marketing system specifically for architects, to help you build your new client and project pipeline. 

This system enables you to win more of the projects you love, and to earn the kind of fees and salaries that you deserve, in keeping with your extensive knowledge, skills and experience.

It’s called the Six Channel System, and you can learn it in my CPD course.

In three weeks or less, you’ll have all the knowledge you need – and a proven framework to follow – to create your new client and project pipeline.

And once you implement the system, you can put your new client acquisition process on autopilot, and free up your time for the parts of your job that you actually enjoy, like designing new projects, solving intractable problems in highly innovative ways, and collaborating with talented teams and appreciative clients to deliver great places and spaces.
Can you imagine a future where you don't have to constantly struggle to attract the right types of clients?

This CPD course – based on the easy to learn, follow and implement Six Channel System – is for architects who can see their peers thriving, but don't yet know how to create that kind of success for themselves.

Architects who:

a) own and run their own small practice; 

b) are directors or principals in a medium or large firm; 

c) are actively involved in bringing in new clients and projects; 

d) are considering leaving their current job to start their own firm; and/or 

e) are responsible for delivering practice marketing...

... and who are ready to invest in transforming their own practice, to be part of the change that sweeping across the entire profession.

When you put your own oxygen mask on first – and prioritise creating your own solid foundations including a reliable new client and project pipeline – you can set off a transformative ripple effect that positively impacts hundreds or thousands of people.

Such is the potential impact of great architecture.

No other CPD course has been quite like Rachael’s Architecture Marketing 360 course. 

Beyond an in-depth insight into the technicalities of architectural marketing, this course asks participants to identify and rethink the principles of their current marketing position and strategies, and experiment with new channels. Rachael’s course is results-focussed, with outcomes directly applied to one’s own practice.

– Angela Rheinlaender

Who is Rachael Bernstone
and why did she develop this course?

Rachael Bernstone is a communications advisor to architects; an advocate for good design, and a journalist and editor, and she has specialised in writing about architecture and sustainable design for 22+ years. 

She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism, 1993) from RMIT, and a Masters in Architecture History and Theory (University of NSW, 2002), and was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study sustainable and affordable housing in 2003, travelling to the UK, Finland, Sweden and USA. 

Click here to see the CPD Learning Outcomes for this coure, and here to see Rachael’s credentials to teach it.

Once you've done the course and implemented the Six Channel System, you’ll start to see positive results around the quality and type of projects you bring in, and the quantity of enquiries, leads and new clients you generate.

And you'll build confidence and momentum to keep going, towards more discernment and a waitlist of your preferred clients who value and appreciate your services.
This proven business development and marketing system enables architects to:

sidestep the doubts and fears that prevent you from taking decisive action around your business development and marketing,

shake off the profession’s belief that “the work should speak for itself” so you can confidently communicate your value,

build trust with future clients who are ready and willing to invest in your knowledge and experience,

rethink the idea that your marketing needs to be perfect; instead you can experiment, learn from your data and refine your efforts in future,

position yourself as a trusted expert in your preferred sectors, and capture the attention of the people who matter most - your future clients, policy makers and regulators.

“Architects - I commend Rachael's course to you if for NO other reason than to learn the mechanisms and vocabulary of marketing that you need. From then on, all your other learning and dot-connecting will come so much easier.”

– Sarah Hobday-North
Architect GP
In order to get this knowledge into the hands of more architects – and to amplify the impact of architecture and good design – Architecture Marketing 360 is offered as an online, on-demand, self-guided program.

You can learn and implement the Six Channel System in your own timeframe, according to your availability and preferred learning style.

The course is currently being updated and will be relaunched in mid-2024. 

Enrol now at last year's price, before the enrolment fee goes up to $1890+GST on 1 July 2024. You'll also get access to two Awards CPD workshops for free, to earn 3 Formal CPD points before 30 June 2024.

Now that you're ready to sign up...

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($1290.00) plus GST$1290.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x $440.00)3x $440.00

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  • Total payment
  • 1xArchitecture Marketing 360: self-guided program (2023 price)$0

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